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This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Sandi češko, who has made his fortune through a group of home shopping companies studio moderna, has dethroned retail magnate mirko tuš as the richest slovenian, a survey published annually by the manager magazine shows. Wie man in dieses karussell kommt, weiß ich momentan noch nicht, aber eins ist sicher:
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Teleshopping » ieri, 25 ianuarie 2022, 12:00. Emisiune in care sunt prezentate diferite produse in scopul vanzarii lor catre telespectatorii doritori, prin intermediul unei comenzi telefonice. Ein tolles produkt ist im angebot, ganz.
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Teleshopping entsteht meist aus einem impuls heraus. Sandi češko, who has made his fortune through a group of home shopping companies studio moderna, has dethroned retail magnate mirko tuš as the richest slovenian, a survey published annually by the manager magazine shows. Fa economie de timp si chiar de bani.